Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ashley Dupre should call out Wall St.

Since the GOP is lost their way and the Dems can't wait to take over. It seems only fitting to me that it's time for a certian young women with a sordid past and nothing to lose take down the entire "network" by calling out the entire banking industry while promoting her new tell-all book.

It's time to revisit the Eliot Spitzer mess with this post March 14th post by Greg Palast that's even more relevent now than it was back in March..

While New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was paying an ‘escort’ $4,300 in a hotel room in Washington, just down the road, George Bush’s new Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Ben Bernanke, was secretly handing over $200 billion in a tryst with mortgage bank industry speculators.

Both acts were wanton, wicked and lewd. But there’s a BIG difference. The Governor was using his own checkbook. Bush’s man Bernanke was using ours.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What the GOP has to do to win again.

Step One: Accept the reality around you that this is not a center-right country.

Step Two: Apologize for trying to make it seem that way.

Step Three: Stop Lying.

Step Four: Stop being greedy

Anybody have any other suggestions to add to this list?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Why Hasn't Tim Burton Made a Movie Version of This?

Below is my new favorite piece of "Classical" music, Petrushka by Igor Stravinsky. It has puppets coming to life and killing other puppets. More info here. Damn that old wizard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The magic happens at 6:55

Why Lieberman is the Lieber- MAN!

There's so much fervor on the left-wing blog-o-sphere on what to do with Joe Lieberman, the turncoat Dem who put his full support behind John McOld. The chatter is over the reluctance of the Senate leadership to boot him off his committee, thereby punishing him for the mean things he said about Barack during the election. I say do nothing. I say let him be himself, not because I think we need him for a Fillabuster proof 60 seats (I bet Obama can bring a couple of Republicans over to the fold to make 60 on important votes) but because it's not really a big deal. I think everybody has misplaced frustrations (Why is Bush not in jail?) that seems to be fueling all this lynch-mob mentality towards Joe Lieberman. Don't forget, Joe won CT in 2006 with pro-Iraq stance (the three way race that split the majority of Dems wasn't a bad thing for him either). It's no surprise that after 2006 he supported "the Surge" and tried to slime Obama. After all, he thought he was going to be VP! (or Secretary of War Mongering). Trying to punish Joe seems like a Tom Delay-esque thing to do. Aren't we suppose to be better than that? I am even going to say that by campaigning with McCain he actually helped Barack win. How? Well, Barack made a gamble, that the American electorate is tired of the Lee Atwater style of politics and would reject the same "Washington style tactics by the same Washington players." Now cue video of wrinkly old Lieberman whispering into wrinkly old John McCain's ear the difference between Sunni and Shia. Old Style Politics/Same Old Players. Maybe us Liberals are not used to winning. Now is the time to party and everyone should be invited, even wrinkly old Joe. Let's drop this whole "punish Lieberman" movement and put our weight behind something that really matters. [insert favorite cause here].

Update: Lieberman keeps his Homeland Security chairmanship and gives a shout-out to Barrack!